Friday 7 September 2012


So, I'm sitting in bed going through the apps on my phone and I come across this!! Haven't blogged in ages and so much has changed since! My boyfriend has finished uni and moved down from Manchester, we have found a house to move into but it needs a lot of work doing to it so that is all we are pretty much doing at the moment. (no money left for cosmetics or clothes) :( ! I will tell you though how good the people in comet are, we went in there to buy some appliances and being cheeky we asked about getting discount as we were buying quite a bit, in the end we ended up saving quite a lot (like £200) and I was pretty amazed!
I am going to start trying to blog again because it is quite nice letting everything off your chest! Ha!
So will keep you up to date with the decorating and moving in stuff!
Love to all

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Okay so this is my 4th blog entry maybe? And I realised that you guys know nothing about me at all! So for this entry I have used a survey of '100 things about me' I haven't actually read them yet and won't know what I'm answering until I get to each question so I'm sorry if they are a bit random or don't make much sense, plus it's the evening and I am exhausted! (Also I think it's American so some of the questions may not apply to me but I will do my best to answer them all)
So here goes people and I hope you enjoy.

Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
I don't actually have a 'closet' in my bedroom because it is so tiny; all my clothes are kept under my bed and in my parents room. But I do sleep with my door closed if that helps?
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Well if there nice I will use them while I stay in a hotel and there isn't normally any left by the time I leave.
Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?
Okay I'm not answering this one.
Where is your next vacation?
This year we are actually staying in England after going abroad twice last year plus we are trying to save as my boyfriend and I are moving into our own place asap. We are going to Devon for a week in June though for a little get a way.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
I haven't personally but I've been there when a friend has before.
Who do you think reads these?
People that think I'm like totally amazing :) maybe..
Do you have a calendar in your room?
I actually have 2, both on the same hook and both still on Feb as I get bored with them too quickly.
Where are you?
I am sitting down stairs at my bestfriend's boyfriend's house as his parents are away for the week; not just me there are 4 of us staying here.
What's your plan for the day?
Well as I mentioned earlier its the evening but today, we all went bowling and grabbed a Harvester for lunch; which I am slowly regretting as I ate way too much.
Are you reading any books right now?
No, but I do need to get back into reading; I started 'One day' but didn't get too far but I am going to buy 'The lucky one' by Nicholas Sparks on my next pay day.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Not normally but I remember doing it sometimes as a child.
Have you ever peed in the woods?
When I was younger; we always went for walks in the woods and the day I decided I needed a wee that bad I was stung by a bee so it never happened again after that.
Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
Always, its such a good way to keep fit and it always puts a smile on my face to just dance.
Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Admittedly yes, and I always get ink on my face ha!
What is your "Song of the Week"?
I don't know if its my song of the week but Jason Mraz I won't give up is a lovely, lovely song.
Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Sometimes maybe, well it depends who it is. If it was my boyfriend then definitely no (bless him) but I guess it looks okay on some guys?
Do you still watch cartoons?
I don't watch cartoons but I do have a big love for the Disney channel and love Disney films. 
Whats your favorite love movie?
PS I love you will always be my favourite.
What do you drink with dinner?
Normally water but I do love a glass of rose' if its in the house. 
What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
Ketchup, every time.
What is your favorite food/cuisine?
Shepherds pie, I absolutely love it, my nan always cooked it for me as a child and its actually making my mouth water thinking about it.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The one I am watching right now, Eat Pray Love, but I am a huge movie lover and could pretty much watch anything more than once.
Last person you hugged/kissed?
My boyfriend before he left to watch the football.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Well, I think I was in the brownies when I was younger, either that or it was a very good dream.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
No, I'm not that confident with my body.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
As sad as I am I always write my boyfriend love letter, even after 5 years.
Can you change the oil on a car?
Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Not yet, but I thought I was caught by a speed camera once when I generally thought the speed limit was 40 not 30 in the area I was driving, nothing ever came of it though. Thank god.
Run out of gas?
No but when I first got my car I drove it around for ages before realising it was on the red.
Favorite kind of sandwich?
Toasted tuna and salad cream. I actually has one for brunch today.
Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Banana with strawberry yoghurt and of course a cup of tea.
What is your usual bedtime?
Really early actually, about 8.30-9?
Are you lazy?
No I don't think I'm really that lazy. I have to have like 10 hours sleep at night but I think its because my mum always sent me to bed really early as a child.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I was always a witch, every year.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
No but I do buy Ideal Home and House Beautiful every month without fail.
Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?
I don't actually know what they are?
Are you stubborn?
Very very stubborn, so much so that on holiday last year I got into an argument with my friends other half and we didn't talk all day, I don't think it helped that he was as stubborn as I am.
Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Ever watch soap operas?
No, I've never actually watched any, unless Waterloo Road counts?
Afraid of heights?
Used to be until I went to a theme park and got addicted to roller coasters and heights haven't really bothered me since. But, I can't look down the hole when I'm in the attic. 
Sing in the car?
Always, I don't even realise I'm doing it which can be quite embarrassing if I'm driving a colleague home or something.  
Dance in the shower?
Yeah, I love to.
Dance in the car?
As much as I can really.
Ever used a gun?
Nope, I really don't like them.
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No, I absolutely love them. I actually went to see 'Legally blonde the musical' a couple of weeks ago which was amazing.
Is Christmas stressful?
Sometimes but I think that's half the fun, isn't it?
Ever eat a pierogi?
I don't even know what that is?
Major annoyance right now?
This stupid cold and having to get up for work in the morning.
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
When I was in primary and secondary school I always wanted to be an art teacher then going through college I wanted to be an interior designer which I am actually qualified to do but now I just want to own my own little shop selling home accessories and soft furnishings.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, my biggest fear I must admit.
Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
Always, doesn't everyone?
Do you take a vitamin daily?
No, I used to as a child they were yummy and shaped like dinosaurs.
Wear slippers?
In the winter because my feet are literally like ice blocks, I should really wear them in the summer too because I am always cold at night.
Wear a bath robe?
Sometimes, but I do normally risk it and run to the bathroom in my undies.
What do you wear to bed?
Honestly, nothing.
Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?
Even though we don't have them in England (I don't think) Wal-Mart.
Nike or Adidas?
I don't actually like either but my running trainers are Nike.
Cheetos Or Fritos?
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Actually I do love sunflower seeds; strangely. Especially the ones you can get in BBQ flavour.
Ever hear of, "gorp"?
Ever taken karate?
Not many people know this but I did Karate for nearly 10 years and got to my belt before black, I then gave up because I had the choice to either carry on or get broadband for my laptop which I chose.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
When I was extremely drunk, there are pictures but I don't ever remember doing it.
Can you curl your tongue?
Yes but only one way.
Ever won a spelling bee?
I've never been in one but my spelling was pretty good when I was younger now however, it's not so good.
Ever cried because you were so happy?
A lot recently.
Own any record albums?
Own a record player?
Regularly burn incense?
Ever been in love?
I am.
Hot tea or cold tea:
Hot, I really hate cold tea, it has to be like boiling hot.
Tea or coffee?
It depends who's making it and what time of day it is.
Favorite kind of cookie?
Double choc chip, or banoffe pie Millie's cookie.
Can you swim well?
No haha, I am very slow and can't hold my breath for very long.
Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?
Yes, one of my many talents.
Are you patient?
Not really, I mean I can wait for hours in a queue but if I'm waiting for like something to be delivered then I am extremely impatient.
Ever won a contest?
I don't think I've ever won anything, except a Karate competition when I was younger, I actually got a gold medal. 
Ever had plastic surgery?
Which are better black or green olives?
Neither, I hate olives ever since I was forced to eat one at a primary school Greek day.
Can you knit or crochet?
I did knit a scarf for a very tiny person or even a mouse actually it was that small.
Wash room or bathroom?
Do you want to get married?
Yes, but try getting the other half to propose is harder than anything!
Who was your High School crush?
I always have and always will be Justin Timberlake.
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Do you have kids?
Not yet, but hope to some day.
Do you want kids?
Read above.
What kind of mom are you?
I don't have children but do adore them and I would hope to be a good mum.
Do you miss anyone right now?
Well I did miss the other half but he has just got back home so I am going to get him to make me a lovely cup of tea and get into bed as I have work in the morning.

Okay guys well hopefully you have now learnt something about me, I will be posting tomorrow but am going to bed now.
Night guys
Love BeccaTamsin x

Saturday 7 April 2012

Shopping today, again. :) but I have finally exchanged my dress. Couple of nice bits from tesco! Denim jacket £20 and blouse £8 but, if you spend over £25 you get a fiver off, bargain!! Happy days.
Anyway off to pack because it's home time tomorrow :) and back to work which I have geekly missed :)
Love BeccaTamsin x

Friday 6 April 2012

So today the other half and myself went to exchange the clothes I bought yesterday with a massive FAIL! I tried on the bigger size shorts in H&M and they still didn't fit; that was my limit, you know you have a size when if that still doesn't fit then you just know *these aren't the ones for me* so yeah, I got to that stage and I mean I'm not a big person I would say pretty average and when the size bigger doesn't fit you know something's not right! Probably the amazing subway I treated myself with today didn't help! HA! But honestly I am normally pretty healthy and as I said they didn't fit so it just wasn't meant to be. AND I went into Primark (yes, my fave store at the moment) but they didn't have my dress so I couldn't exchange it but I loved it sooo much I decided to keep it and loose weight or just wear a non-padded bra *easier option me thinks*
 Anyway just watching a film with my man so shall check in tomorrow.
Love BeccaTamsin x

Thursday 5 April 2012

Shopping trip <3

So today I went shopping whilst I'm in Manchester, but I must admit I was totally gutted when I got home and half the items didn't fit! I went into Primark on the hunt for a gorgeous dress (bottom left) and found it straight away for a bargain price of £17, it came with the cutest yellow belt and was just perfect to get me in the summer mood but I got it home and the buttons pull on the top *not good*! AND if things couldn't get worse I bought some gorgeous pink shorts in H&M for £7.99 (don't quote me on that price hehe) and they fit as if they were 2 sizes too small! So not only do I now have a bunch of pretty clothes that don't fit but, I feel rather huge! But anyway on the up side I got that beautiful pink bag (£9 primark) which is very much like the paul's boutique bag I am in love with at the moment, okay I know its not the same designer bag I was after but atleast it saved me a few bob!
Prices and places for these images just incase you fancy buying any of it for yourself:
Mint nail varnish, came in a pack of 4 (other colours in the pastel range) £4; Primark
BarryM nail polishes, 317 blue moon, 308 berry I/C, 293 grey £2.99 each for 3for2; Boots
Animal soaps, whale, polar bear, rhino, elephant and turtle £3.50 for the pack; Body shop
Floral dress with belt £17, Primark
Bath bombs, Happy blooming bath melt £3.85, Leap frog £2.75, Pop in the bath (Flower) £2.90, Mushroom (I don't thing its available any more but you can probs find it in store). Lush
Shorts £7.99; H&M
Any questions lemi know :)
Love to you all

BeccaTamsin x

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Okay, so this is my first ever blog and I'm going to be writing and posting pictures probably weekly at first; things I've done and stuff I've bought. I love fashion and beauty items at the moment so that's what I'm going to start with.
Hope you enjoy and if you have any tricks that will help it would be much appreciated as I mentioned before this is my first blog!
Much love to you all,

